Where I'm suppose to be!

Do you ever feel absolutely confident in what you are doing with your life?

Well today, I do.

As I sit here at one of my favorite places to work with a nice hot cup of coffee. Shout out to Hendel’s Restaurant in Florissant, Mo. I cannot help but think this is what I was meant to do. Now I have had about three cups of coffee at this point, so it may just be the caffeine talking. But I absolutely love everything about being a photographer. If you are a photographer, or you dabble in the art here or there, you know sometimes being a photographer is not everything it’s cracked up to be. Everyone has this preconception that photographers have the best, most fun job in the world. (Which I’m not sure I would argue.) But there is a lot more to photography then just taking pictures. First, the client contacts you. You talk about money, you set a date, find a location and hope it doesn’t rain. (I live in St. Louis. ANYTHING can happen.) After you have the fun of interacting with the clients and actually taking the pictures. You have to then edit the pictures. This is the part that I haven’t really been fond of in the past. But lately, while I’m editing I find myself getting lost in the pictures and loving every minute of it.

I’m not sure if it’s experience. If I just have more time to play with editing. Or if I have grown more into my editing style. While I am sure that all of these things have to do with it. I have never felt more confident in my life that this was what I was meant to do.

I am 25 years old and I never thought I would be so content with my job choice. (I hoped I would, but I never thought it would actually happen.) Yes, I am just starting out (Only about 2 years in.) But I am so happy to say that this is my dream and I am so excited to be able to share with all of you, what I believe I was put on this earth to do.

Josie Urhahn & Breanne Jansen are pictured in a fun photo shoot taken at Creve Coeur park.

Note: Please keep clicking to see more pictures from our snow shoot the other day.