A thought...

Do you ever feel the pressure to be better at work or in your business? That you're not good enough? Do you feel like you are never going to get your big break? Do you feel like there are so many other people out there, better or more qualified then you? 

I think these thoughts all the time. Being almost a year out of college, things are starting to feel real for me. I will be 25 this year. I am getting to that time in my life where I am no longer the youngest one. Not that I am saying I'm old or anything because I know I'm not. But, I always got complements for how good my work was, along with how young I was. People were shocked, that I  to knew what I wanted to do with my life at such a young age. How lucky I was everyone told me. Well now I am starting to feel the pressure of this business that I started, actually being a success. Sometimes I just get in my own head to much. Girl problems.

Yes, I still absolutely love what I do.  Photography is my happy place. But that's the problem. We are always comparing our success to other people. We need to stop taring ourselves down and start building ourselves up. You are good enough. Your work is good enough and you are amazing at what you do. 


Some of my favorite pictures for interest.

Give me some feedback. What do you like? What don't you like? What is your favorite? 






